October 18, 2024

How to survive the first trimester of your pregnancy!

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The last trimester of your pregnancy might feel like a never-ending story of uncomfortable sleeping positions, but nothing beats the first trimester which feels like pregnancy boot camp. Full with all manner of unbearable symptoms. So how to survive the first trimester of your pregnancy?

Shortly after the exciting news of a baby growing in your belly, you will probably experience nausea and fatigue, one of the most common symptoms in early pregnancy that can take a little edge off that joy.
To make things a little more tricky, you probably decide not to tell anyone outside your very close family circle, that you are pregnant until the 12-week mark. So you cannot share your feelings and uncomfortable symptoms with your co-workers and friends.

Lunamag.com: How to survive the first trimester of your pregnancy!

We are here to help! The following tips are tried and tested to get you through those first 12 weeks. To survive the first trimester, we recommend these 10 things:

Morning Sickness Relief

Morning sickness or nausea is the most common symptom and also the most stressful. Here are a few things and tips that helped a lot of expecting mums to go through this phase.
– Ginger! Try fresh ginger tea or cut a few slices for your water bottle. Also have a look at Ginger drops or Ginger Ale.
– Herbal teas like ginger (yes, again), mint or chamomile are great at easing a troubled tummy.
– Keep small snacks such as small bags of nuts to snack on when feeling a little queasy.
– Eat small meals. More frequently. And maybe even have a few crackers by your bed to eat before you get up.
– Fresh lemon slices to nibble one.
– Hard candy drops can help too, again try and find ginger or mint ones for better effects.

And never forget, it will pass eventually!

Beat Early Pregnancy Fatigue

Your body is growing a little human inside and fatigue is another very common complaint during the first trimester! So you need to take sleep seriously because you want to keep your energy up. If you are able to nap once during the day, do so! Taking a warm bath can help you to relax before bedtime. Avoid taking your smartphone in the bedroom and read a book instead. Screens are not helping to get you to unwind from your day. You may want to consider and investing in a pregnancy pillow already now. This will help you to feel more comfortable at night and while napping.
The extreme sleepiness usually goes away by weeks 10 – 12.

Buy a supportive and well-fitted bra

You will not regret it. Because your breast can become swollen and sore because of increased blood flow to the area from hormone surges. Those prompt them to begin preparing to make milk. Investing in a great supportive and very comfortable maternity bra is crucial. Because your breasts will keep growing throughout the nine months. Luckily the soreness should subside by week 12.

Reduce Stress

Stress hormones make nausea worse! Therefore, you really want and need to rest when you can and take regular breaks. And also follow our tips to beat fatigue. Listen to your body and give it what it needs. It may not always be easy with a job and soon to be siblings, but do not forget to ask for help and support of your partner and family.

Have a support system

Talking about stress, a great support system is crucial. And it does not matter if this your first baby or your 5th, you will want to tell at least a couple of people that you are expecting. Your partner, close family and maybe your best friend. They will be there to support your emotionally or physically if needed too. Because you do need somebody, next to your partner, that you can call when you are not feeling great.

Nourish Your Pregnant Body

Your food preferences may change a lot whilst pregnant and of course, you should follow your needs. But please do not forget that your body needs nutrients too.  You may want to have plenty of beans and eggs if you are not digesting meat so well anymore. If veggies become difficult, you can try fruits rich in beta-carotene like apricots. Some women can’t do dairy during their pregnancy and then you may want to opt for oat milk. Also, grains are a good source of energy and nuts and legumes provide your body with protein and iron. Eating a nutritious diet during pregnancy is linked to good fetal brain development and a healthy birth weight.

Take your Prenatal Vitamins

Taking a good pregnancy vitamin is essential for ensuring that you and your baby are getting the nutrients you need, especially if you are experiencing a lot of nausea or food aversions. And the most important prenatal vitamin is called is folic acid. It helps the body make DNA, enhances brain function, and plays a role in cell growth. For pregnant women, it can help reduce the risk of birth defects related to the brain and spinal cord.

Hydrate your pregnant body

Staying hydrated is key during pregnancy! Drinking water helps your body in numerous ways and you do not want to be waiting until you feel thirst — because thirst is a sign of dehydration. Drinking water helps alleviate morning sickness, heartburn, and indigestion. And your body needs water to form an amniotic fluid, produce extra blood volume, build new tissue, carry nutrients, and flush out your wastes and toxins. It is recommended to drink around 3l of waters per day. Another reason why you need plenty of water: Pregnant women are generally prone to urinary tract infection which may cause adverse effects on them. Drinking high volume of water will keep the urine diluted and thereby reduces the risk of the infection.
If water alone is not appealing to you on its own, you can try some healthy alternatives.

Dress Comfortably

Your body will start to change quickly and you may feel a little squeezed in your normal clothes already. We do recommend belly bands and leggings for a very comfortable look. A belly band is a long stretchy band you wear over your hips to compensate for shirts that are becoming too short and waistbands that are becoming too tight. Some nice ballerinas or any other flat shoes that will go with everything will help you keep your balance better as your body changes.

Organic Beauty Products

If you have not already, this might be the perfect timing. Swap over to organic and non-toxic beauty products. Your skin is your biggest organ and everything you put on it will go into your body. You will want to rely on a safe skincare routine without chemicals. We have some suggestions in our ‘beauty must haves for expecting mums‘ article.

We hope that you will implement our tips and your first twelve weeks will be a little bit easier. Happy pregnancy!

Slider: Getty / Image Source
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